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What is a Homeschool Coop?


A cooperative homeschool group consists of multiple families all working together to achieve common goals. This coop is led by parents who created the Forest School called Planting Seeds. This website is primarily for the forest school. If you are interested in joining the Planting Seeds community but not interested in enrolling in the school, check is out on Facebook! Facebook is free for everyone. 


Can I leave my children during meetup days?


No. Parents must be there during the entire meetup time.


Where and when will we meet?


Meeting times are 11am-2pm.
Daily Agenda: 

11am-11:30am- Lunch and Mingle

11:30-12:15pm- Guided Hike

12:15-12:30pm- Circle time

12:30-1:30- Daily Activites

Activities for Inspiration

Activities for Understanding

Activities for Demonstrating

1:30-2pm- Closing Circle

We will meet at local forest preserves and nature parks. We will meet at some of these more than once during the 10 weeks of curriclum. If there is inclement weather, we will attempt to do an indoor library, or indoor park meetup at seperate cost to the parents, with a makeup day on the following Saturday. We have one week at the end of the term for makeup days as well.


What do I need to bring?


"There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes."

You will need to bring items to keep you and your children safe and comfortable while outside.

Recommended Day packs:

-First Aid Kit

-Water for each person, Camelbacks


-Wet wipes

-Change of clothes for each person (hat, jackets, wet clothes, socks, shoes, water shoes, mud/rain boots)

-Wet bag/ trash bags for wet items

-Towels (wet for wiping down, dry for drying)


-Journal, paper, sketch book, pencils, crayons, etc

-Homeopathy: Essential Oils, Colloidal Silver, Bug Bite ointment, The Bug Bite Thing


-Sun Hats

-Swim Suits

-Bug repellent

-Winter coats and winter boots are highly recommended for this term


What would cause a cancellation?


Because we meet outside, safety is always top priority. If the weather is unsafe, we cancel and plan for a makeup. Here are the parameters:

Here are our weather parameters:

More then 20mph winds
Below 55 and raining
Below 45 and sunny
Below 55 with more than 10mph winds and cloudy
Thunder and lightning within 10 miles of meetup location

Make up days are held the following Saturday, same time same place. IF for whatever reason the following Saturday does not work out, we have a makeup week scheduled at the end of the term.

Currently I make no promises on indoor locations as these cost addional money.